Friday 15 July 2016

D.I.Y. Carpet Deodorizer

Aaw snap, more hippy crap about natural living and essential oils. Not really. More like, I like carpet deodorizer BUT I'm not going to pay that much for something that is actually a luxury.

The two main ingredients are:
Bicarb (I use the whole 500g Robertsons)
2 tsp Corn starch 
Perfume as per your style.

You can perfume it as you want. I didn't know if it really was a thing until I started looking at other peoples recipes. Some add dried herbs and spices and others (and I) add essential oils. I had an ant problem so I added peppermint oil and the ants reduced heavily. Mosquito season, I add citronella and lemongrass and the mosquitoes dgaf. I was thinking I want to add vanilla or cacao powder, even cinnamon. (PSL carpet smell anyone)

Some oils are pricey (That’s why you see Citronella and lemongrass) but it's an ingredient that you are going to get multiple uses from as you only use 20 drops. Buying a refill of dried herbs are a bit cheaper. I like the Rosemary and Thyme idea.

Mix the Bicarb and Corn starch in a bowl. I add corn starch as my bicarb tends to get clumpy. Even the store bought ones have an anti-clumping agent.

For the container, I used the mass produced store bought one . (Recycle 4 lyfe $$$) but you can store it in a jar and make holes in the lid for sprinkling. I read big spice and salt shakers can also be used. Even a sugar shaker. An empty clean mayonnaise/ Peanut butter/ Cheese spread jar would do the job. (Empty and clean because no one want mayo in their carpet deodorizer)
(Maybe, if you like mayo you do) (I don't judge)
Or be next level with this Ball Jar.

I fill the jar to a 1/3rd and add my smell agent (Two table spoons of ground up herbs or 10 drops of oil). Fill another 1/3rd and add the same amount of your choice of smell maker. Top with the rest of your Bicarb mix. Close the container and shake to mix well. I think it's best to smell your creation and decide if you want to add more smell maker. I don't care for this step as I have anosmia.
Some blogs said to leave this for 24 hours to a week but ain't nobody got time fo' that. I use mine immediately.

To use, shake a thin layer on the carpet and leave it for 15 min. I usually sweep the floors, wash a toilet and forget about it for a while.

Then just vacuum as per usual. It's optional to smell go down and sniff the carpet.

This is also great puppy accidents. Sprinkle a thick layer over the pee pee and leave to dry. Then just vacuum the clumped up mixture.

That is my wisdom for the week. As you were.


P.s. I like this blog's post. I was like: #same

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